Friday, February 29, 2008

Aw crap...

I was doing some research earlier today about what melee weapon I'll be wanting for endgame stuff, doing comparisons and whatnot, and it turns out that I'll probably need to do the Arena crap for a few weeks in order to get me a [Vengeful Gladiator's Waraxe]...Great axe and all, but it's just so damn common now adays and I loathe the PvP aspect of far as the organized ones go anyway. BG=not for me, same goes for the Arena. Frankly, I'd much rather have [Legacy] 'cause that's got some prestige behind it (minuscule as it might be) and you've gotta work to be able to get it. The Waraxe can be obtained by any 70 hunter that puts a bit of time into the Arenas including people who have only recently hit 70, and that kinda irks me. Plus I hate the fact that every 70 hunter looks the same, they've all got the season 1 gladiator gear, the war axe, and [Valanos' Longbow] to start with.../miffed

I have Never in my WoW career as a hunter used anything other than a gun, and if I ever resort to using a bow I'll probably shoot myself...with my old the foot...then toss the bow and pick up my old gun again after bandaging my foot. Yes, I loathe bows almost as much as I loathe PvP, which is saying a lot. Ask any officer in KF about it and they'll tell you as much...or at least they'll tell you about my love of guns and hate of PvP. Sure they do that PvP stuff all the time, and they're getting kinda good at it, but they have yet to convince me to join in their games. Plus I'm a solo artist, I often do my own thing without concern about what anyone else thinks. This doesn't bode well for me if I have to start doing BGs, but currently that's not an issue.

As much as I love doing things on my own, I still enjoy running instances with KF, it's always a blast and as far as I can tell none of them have freaked out on me for screwing up occasionally. Hell, even when I substitute for a random DPS that had to leave in a heroic I function well, and it's always fun. I haven't even been into the majority of the outland instances and I'm still readily accepted. I definitely finished off heroic ramps with a bunch of guys the other day and I've only been into regular ramps once before, solo, and didn't go very far. Man, those guys rock. Though I'm not entirely sure they knew I've never done it before..../shifty-eyes

And on that note, I've gotta go shower.

Good Hunting,

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