Wednesday, December 10, 2008


'ello, c'est moi, François.  Zis will be ze first, but not ze last, post by me.  I am, 'ow you say...full of excrement, non?  I am zo glad to be a part of ze Toxnation, and am proud to be ze primary miner and blacksmis for it.  

I 'ave made it to Norsrend, and am ztarting wis ze 'owling Fjord.  Zer are many sings for me to do out zere, and I am enjoying ze time spent 'ere.

Zough you may not take me zeriously, I am ztill ze 'arbinger of deas.  Zat's correct, you 'eard me.  'arbinger of deas.  I am ze spec of blood, and bazically zat means zat when I finish wis a battle, I have drained enough 'ealth from my opponents to be fully 'ealed when zey die.  It iz, 'ow you say...enjoyable.  I am full of ze lust for killing, and I bring ze pain.

I am fully aware zat a deas-gnome zat is ze français is, as zey say, a ridiculous idea.  Be certain zat I am dead zerious when I zay zese sings.  I am no ordinary deas-gnome.  I am one zat iz destined for great zings.  I shall be one of ze 'eroes of Norsrend.  Zey will zay my name in 'ushed whizpers, and ze shildren will be wide-eyed in ze awe and amazement. 

Or at leazt zat iz what ze great Vantox 'as told me.  Frankly, I don't 'ave ze care to do everysing 'e tells me about, all I want to really do iz explore ze great unknown, discovering zings I did not know about myzelf, filling in my mizzing past.  Oh, I forgot to tell you, I 'ad a case of ze amnesia, ze "scrouge" sing zat 'appened to moi.  All I know iz zat I am french, or at least zat iz what zey tell me, and zey laugh at my accent, but it matters not, I am what I am and zat's all zat I am.  

Monsieur Vantox was ze first person to talk to moi after ze creation of ze Knights of ze Ebon Blade.  'E was kind enough to offer me a zpot in ze Toxnation, and after a bit of ze encouragement 'e convinced me to do ze post.  And 'ere I am, wis ze wind at my back and ze zails full, I am ready to take on ze world and bring mizery to ze enemies zat I find.  

You 'ave been warned.  Ztay out of my way, but if you don't I'll probably be ze nicezt little person zat you come acrozz.  Beware my kindnezz.

And wis zat, I bid you ze farewell.... for now.

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