Phase 2 of my "Dragon Hunter" ensemble is complete...now to convince people to run Blackwing Lair with me...should be easy enough to get through with our guild's finest.
Oh ya, and getting the drake meant that I got 3000+ rep with the netherwing today. Man I rock :P
Other parts of my ever so eventful day: Ran Heroic Mechanar today with mostly people I've known for ages, it felt good to be back with them and them not complaining about my lack of gear. I'm glad they're understanding and know that I still rock without full epics. Also: It was my first time in Mech. That's right, I've never been there before and I still held my own. Not nearly as well as the other hunter in the group but he's been working really hard at the PvP thing...and goes on regular instance runs, so he knows what he's doing. I'm just glad they let me join them in that excursion, got me some 4 more BoJs, which means only 8 more until I get either my new boots or my ebon breastplate. Frankly the boots are a bigger upgrade, but if I can manage pulling off getting 2 nethers fairly soon I can make the full set which will up my hit rating significantly. Either way I'm stoked.
Oh, just so you know, I'm very much not a regular case when it comes to instances. Most people either do them a lot and know what they're doing or don't do them very often at all and know nothing about what they're doing. I, apparently, go into instances I've never even so much as glanced at before and know what I'm doing. It's all a matter of listening to the leader and him knowing that I don't do instances regularly...or just the fact that I know how to play my character. Our priest mentioned something about it being good to run with a group that knows how to play our characters. I got a little sense of pride from that, but I think she might be bias towards me 'cause I've helped her out so much with her professions. I've sent her so much netherweave and random greenies that I think I would probably have like 1000g more if I hadn't done it. To quote myself "We loves our Anam." Anam being her name...if you didn't catch that.
No big news on Dramthar's end but he hasn't done much recently, but he's very excited for some of the gear I've got in store for him...and potentially will make for him....he's got a hood of sorts and some niffty chest gear lying in wait for him...in his bank...
Anyways, I'm off to do random crap.
Good Hunting,
1 comment:
Congratulations on the Netherdrake, those things are very awesome indeed!
Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have my Epic Bird to, and then start on the Drake quest afterwards.
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