Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Patch 2.4 going live today

As you've probably already heard from other sources, Patch 2.4 is headed our way as we speak, downloader is at 97% (got to 96% in like 30 seconds, I'm not entirely sure how my compy does that...cause the last 4% take a few minutes at least) and I'm getting fairly excited for it. Primal Nethers no longer being BoP means I can convince my guildies to let me "borrow" some nethers from them to upgrade my gear ;) They love me, so it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. Also: being able to do 25 dailies every day? That's just crazy talk, you shouldn't be allowed to do that...and yet I really like that idea cause I kinda need the money :P

Also: Dramthar's excited about the "Non-corporeal Undead and Mechanical creatures are now susceptible to bleed effects" and "Elemental creatures are no longer explicitly immune to poison and disease effects. Elementals with nature school immunities will still be immune to nature-based poisons however" that are also happening with this patch. More hemorrhaging and poisoning for him in these coming weeks ;)

That's all I've got to say for now.

Good Hunting,

1 comment:

The Troll Hunter said...

Hope all your mods worked. Omen was definitely as broke as could be and you still can't get on Curse or WoW Interface for the update.

Ace mods are good though, their site is up and running smoothly with a lot of 2.4 updates.