Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reporting In.

I guess I should tell you (whoever may be reading this) what's going on in me WoWdom.

I logged in today, about a week after all hell broke loose, I check the guild and whatnot, down to 26 members. Alright, I can deal with that....WTF? I got DEMOTED! The Bastard! I've been there longer than all but like 2 people, who have also been demoted! I knew that effing lock was no good...I can't believe he's the guild master now. This sucks, royally. That's it, I've had enough.


I'm makin' The Toxnation with Tox as the guild master now, not one of my alts.


Well, it was bound to happen, I was gonna do it as soon as I had formed The Toxnation on one of me alts anyway. Gotta say though, I'm glad I no longer have to trust anyone to make Tox the GM. This is a much safer approach even with the fact that I'll know the majority of the guild members personally.

Now I've just gotta log on when my friends are kicking around and convince them to sign my charter with their alts ;)

This is also an open invitation to any who read my blog to make a toon on Bladefist US and join The Toxnation, just to hang out and do whatever, I'm laid back like that. It's the Okanagan attitude...or possibly the British Columbian attitude. Haven't quite figured it out, but it's not something I really worry about.

Good Hunting,

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