Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things I Hate.

First and Foremost: The latest screwup by my Internet peoples. They've definitely disconnected our internet when my roommate was VERY clear that we wanted it disconnected at the end of April. I've been missing out on it since Saturday, so I'm fairly annoyed.* Dear Telus, go screw yourself.

Secondly: Not having internet access at home (see above). This leads to me not being able to blog, WoW or check any of potentially important email that I might have received (not really that last one, but I'll stick with it). Mostly I just want to WoW, 5+ days of missed dailies is gonna put a huge damper on my potential income. Oh, it also means I can't inform anyone of what the hell happened to me. Not knowing anyone from my guild IRL can be kinda frustrating some times.

#3: Being threatened to be forced to use a mic. I'm one of the few people in my guild who doesn't use one, but I'm quick on the draw typing-wise. It also adds to the mystery that is Vantox, hunter of Dragons.

#$: Whoa, that didn't come out right....but those of you who can see what happened will know what it is, so I'm leaving it.
Oh, right, what I hate...let's see....I'm gonna go with feces. It's pretty bad stuff...Oh, and operations that are recorded just to show people and gross them out. Ya, that's bad news bears.

Six: Blogging when I should totally be updating my guild on my situation. I'll be back to add more blogs to make up for lost time later.

Good Hunting,

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