Friday, July 18, 2008

Not using the reserved space.

No particular reason, just not gonna use it.

Anyway, I'm not going to talk about the Beta (though I'm definitely wishing rather desperately that I'll get an invite), so let's go out on a limb and talk about something I've never discussed before....Um...can anyone think of something? I'm at a, seriously, I can't think of anything...I was contemplating discussing something about mages, what with the fact that I hang out with a bunch of them often, but I'm gonna leave that up to Marcy to do...When she does it...*shakes fist at Marcy*...

Oh, that reminds me, some of you probably are starting to think that she's not real, but trust me, she is...she's just finding inspiration difficult is all.

Now back to the topic or lack thereof. Another idea I had was to just BS my way through talking about healers, but my highest level potential healer is 29 current and spec'd for tanking, so I've got nothing on that.

I pretty much only know about DPS, and even then I don't have much raiding experience, but I still know what I'm talking about thanks to people like BRK who have taught me the ways of the hunter, which in turn I teach to others. By the way, everyone should attempt to teach at least one person the ways of their class once they hit the current level cap. It's just a good thing to do, so that we don't get people who know little-to-nothing about their class roll in raids and/or instances, and if you get someone who's really new on the scene, then you can teach them just about everything they need to know, including such topics as itemization, skill rotations, effective crowd control (if it's a class that has some form of it), and whatever else you think they could benefit from.

On more "how productive was I this week?" news, Tox maxed out his fishing skeelz, Dramthar's been grinding honor to get massive gear upgrades, Thamlack has officially specialized his tailoring and can now be referred to as a "Shadowweave" tailor. You heard me right, I ran a level 60 toon all the way to the altar of shadows, in the Shadowmoon Valley, and I didn't die until I was on my way out (which means only 1 death on his part)....and not a whole lot more happened for me this week....

Well, I guess that's all I've gotta say for now.

Good Hunting,

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