Friday, August 15, 2008

Hunter smarts...or lack thereof.

Alright, so here's the deal. There's this guy in Verve I've had an issue with for ages, so have a lot of people. He's a known slacker, brags about just about everything, whines and begs for help all the time and pretty much just annoys the crap out of nearly everyone. And he's a hunter.

The real issue that I'm going to bring up is this: He offered to teach shot rotations to other hunters in Verve and he said something that irked me. I know quite well that he's been a marksman hunter for pretty much ever, but he offered to teach Beast Master and Survival hunters their shot rotations. When I began discussing it in the guild chat he clearly had no idea what Beast Masters want in their weaponry or shots.

Firstly, he claimed that auto-shot always has a hidden .5 second cooldown. This is not true. It's only got a hidden .5 second cast time when you first start attacking, after which it fires off without a hitch if you know how to time your shots correctly.

Speaking from a Beast Master's perspective, I like my weapons fast. 2.7 is probably ideal for what I do, but I'm currently using a gun, which I have yet to upgrade from, with a speed of 2.4 seconds. As such, it puts my auto-shot speed at 1.7 seconds, which is a beautiful amount of time to weave in my steady shots between my white DPS, and there is absolutely no clipping using a 1-to-1 ratio.

This person didn't seem to understand that. He just liked the slowest weapon he could find and attempt to teach everyone that slowness is what all hunters should look for in weaponry. As we who are the masters of beasts know, that's bull honky. This guy clearly has no concept of being any type of hunter other than Marksman. I refrained from "putting him in his place" though, cause I don't want to be on bad standing with the guild.

This mostly just boils down to something along the lines of "Don't try to teach something that you have NO IDEA ABOUT." ...ya dolt.

Have I told you how much this person annoys me? Well, on a scale of one to perturbed, I am. You've probably run into someone who does the same to you, so you'll no doubt understand what I'm talking about.

And now I leave. Fare thee well.

Good Hunting,


Anonymous said...

You might not want to be in bad standing with the guild, but disseminating wrong information -- or passively allowing people to believe wrong information -- isn't very good. In fact, you could end up with people in the guild who have hunter alts or even roll hunter alts on day who embrace this incorrect information and then go on to share this information with others.

In the same situation, I'd probably have spoken up while trying to be diplomatic. It might not have been exactly that, but at least it would have been correct. For example, I might have said, "Well, yes, that makes absolute sense from a Marksmanship perspective and it's great that you said that. However a Beast Mastery hunter emphasizes different qualities. For example, due to Serpent's Swiftness, we try to optimize our rotations and maximize damage by selecting a slightly faster bow. In fact, optimal speeds are..." blah blah blah blah.

In which case, I'd be acknowledging that he's very correct when it comes to the Marksmanship tree, but it also puts forth the correct information for the tree with which I'm most familiar: Beast Mastery.

Then again, there's someone like that in my guild who drives me bonkers all of the time doing the same thing. For example, he once claimed that he had done extensive testing to prove that Blessing of Might increases wand damage. This is absolutely incorrect, but he publicly swore that he had confirmed it with independent testing. Someone who shares two raids with me -- including one with this gentleman -- found this so humorous that he shared it with our other raid and it's become a bit of a joke for casters to request Might for increasing wand damage. While I find it a bit funny, I refuse to release the name of the original person who made the claim because, well, he is a guildie and a pretty decent guy!

Tox said...

Aye, I understand the sentiments and agree with them. I was more or less just trying to vent and forgot to follow up on how the conversation went and diplomacy was utilized...and I got distracted by the overwhelming heat wave happening in the region I reside in.

Oh, and just to clarify, I did correct him in guild chat, I just didn't verbally abuse him like I felt like doing :P

Thanks for the input though, it's greatly appreciated ;) I'll make sure to keep it in mind next time I'm feeling angst-y towards a guildy.

Bell said...

Stay strong, Tox. Stay strong.

Tox said...

With the help of supporters like yourself Bell, I've got all the strength in the world.