Saturday, November 1, 2008

Achievements anyone?

Alright, so I didn't manage to post yesterday.  So sue me.  Okay, no, don't sue me.  That's probably a legal battle I don't want...mostly because it's a legal battle.  But you'd lose that one, Freedom of Speech, I don't have to do or say anything that I don't want to on my personal blog.  I mean, come on, it's MINE.

On a less "me rambling" note, The Tox Meister is now known as "Ambassador Vantox," and now has a lot of potential to earn the Albino Drake.  Not that I want it, the potential's just there.... and I kinda want it....*shifty eyes*

Anyways, I got a lot of really low level quests done and out of the way, so I'm apparently on my way to becoming a Loremaster.  

Oh, have I told you how much I'm enjoying achievements?  Even if they are completely useless aside from the niffty rewards and all that junk, I love 'em.  

I've got goals involved with the achievements.  Mostly title based, but that's still pretty sweet.  I want to get the following titles:

Chef (Next goal, once Wrath hits)
The Argent Champion (Probably at level 80)
Loremaster (or whatever that title actually is)
Explorer (I just need to explore Northrend for that one)

And that's all for now in that category, there may be more that show up along the way, but we'll see where that takes us.

And I'm workin' on a story, it's coming along, but slowly... more slowly than usual... But it's still coming along.  You'll read it soon enough.

Anyways, small post, but that's all I've got now.  

Good Hunting,

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