Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's official.

François' a tank.  I tanked my first three instances with him yesterday.  All heroic mind you, go big or go home.  Naturally there are still things I have to work on.  I think my current biggest issue (aside from not actually being defense capped) is remembering to use Death and Decay on multi-mob pulls to prevent their escape from my clutches.  There's a few kinks in my current spec for tanking but that's not what it's purely built for.  I built it with the idea to easily switch between Tanking and DPS as long as I have the gear for it.  And so far it seems to be working quite nicely as it's remarkably close to my normal DPS spec so my skill rotation stays the same when I'm called to it.

Now I realize that Franny's not defense capped.  But I swear I'm working on it.  And my sigil (which wowhead apparently doesn't realize exists yet) boosts my defense rating by 53 or something when I use Icy Touch.  It says "chance" but I have yet to see it not proc when I use icy touch.  Either way, when that's going on my defense is at 532, which is perfectly acceptable for heroics....I think.  I'm not uncrittable yet though, but that's why I'm trying to get that wicked red sword from Utgarde Pinnacle.  I think being the tank for the instance may aid my chances in winning it though ;) 

But yeah, otherwise it's been a totally eventful week as far as my determination to become a tank goes.  Oh, and I got some pretty phat tanking lootz from Azjol-Nerub.  I've heard people say that they've had a hard time acquiring the trinket, so I'd like to rub it in their faces.  Not that I would, just saying I had a good amount of luck in that instance.  Ugh, aside from the second boss....Man that wasn't a good set of tanking since I didn't know what I was doing.  I should really stop going into instances with no prior knowledge of any of the fights.  That's probably a good idea.  Good thing I've been running so many instances then, eh? 

Don't worry, Tox still gets his share of stuff being done....sort of.... Franny's just the primary focus right now.  It changes, I just go on streaks of one toon or another.  I know I did on Dramthar too when I got him up to 70 back in the day.

Good Hunting,

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