Sunday, March 8, 2009

C'est l'amor.

I 'ave feenished eet.  I am now ze full-fledgling Drake Rider.  And I sink I set ze new speed record for ze Toxnation for getting from zero to exalted for any reputational zituation. I don't know 'ow ze rest of zem found it zo hard.  All of ze enemies were easily squish-ed, and even ze supposed "group quests" were no sing to worry about.  

I sink zat Vantox eez jealous, eet took 'im ze surplus of two weeks to get 'is nesserdrake, and eet only took me about six days total to get eet.  I 'ave se inclination zat eet eez because zere is notone 'ere to pick up ze nessering eggses.  I 'ave found ze craziness in amounts of ze eggs.  Litererally a dozen daily at ze leazt.  And you know what?  Zat is pretty much all zat I 'ave been doing for ze past while.  I tanked a few instanzes, not even ze 'ard ones, just like violet 'old and ze utgarde keep.  No sing worse noting really.

And zat eez all for me.  Sank you for your time and 'ave ze wonderful day.

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