Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sometimes, People are Stupid.

So there I was, minding my own business, looking for a group for Violet Hold and asking around, when I find a potential group in the LFG and the note says they need DPS.  I talk to the leader saying something along the lines of "You need DPS for VH?  Well it just so happens that I'm DPS."  and the response I get was less than underwhelming.  To quote the person exactly: "Would you like some Asprin for that swelling?"

Now you can probably understand how I had no idea what in the world that meant.  I'm not going to go into the gory details of the conversation, but it turns out that a gear check was done on me and they were looking at the wrong stats.  There was mention of "only 3017 AP" (Which was true, for my Melee, RAP was 3700 something with Aspect of the Dragonhawk and it took me a while to figure out where in the world that number came from), and "only being BM" and classifying my DPS as "1200-1300."  Thoughts of the tank out-DPSing me came up from the group leader.

Problems with those statements:  
  • 3017 was my MELEE Attack Power.  I'm a hunter, who knows how to play my class, I.  Don't.  Melee.
  • My DPS has been averaging (admittedly while buffed) at 2000-2100.  That's a lot higher than 1200-1300 now isn't it?
  • As proven by BRK, a competent BM hunter with similar gear can keep up with an SV hunter as long as the SV hunter doesn't get a massive crit-streak.
  • I have never, for as long as I've played this game, been out DPS'd by a tank, and I don't plan on starting to be any time soon.
I was just LIVID.  The fact that this person would also go out of his or her way to insult me when I was being more than reasonable in my explanations and defensive statements didn't help.  

Fortunately, I will no longer ever have to hear anything they do or say as we're both ignoring each other.  And I also found a different, less uptight, far more accepting group which I got some new friends out of and did, by far, the most damage in as proven by this recount just from the two runs we did last night.
(I'm the one at the top, and the only one that starts with a 'V')

So my night wasn't completely ruined.  I got some new friends who were referred to me as "One of the best randoms I've seen in a long while" or some such jargon.  And the other hunter was SV, I just out-geared him significantly.  Oh, I never once had Blessing of Might, the pally gave hunters wisdom, and I'm not gonna complain about mp5 in a group that needs me to be doing damage for longer periods of time.

Anyways, I'm glad to get that out of my system... Thanks for listening?

Good Hunting,

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