Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Almost Hit "Publish" Without a Title.

Hey howdy fellas and femnauts.  What?  Where'd that come from?  Sheesh, I need to stop saying what pops into my head...

Anyways, How goes it?  I'm doing pretty well.  Life and actually playing WoW have kept me rather occupied.  Vantox is the man of the hour lately, high focus on the Argent Tournament with a dash of high DPS when called upon to raid by Verve.  Gear upgrades are slow but still there, and I can't remember if I said anything about his badassery last time, but it's definitely there and working nicely for him.  He got one of them fancy Ulduar cloaks last night, and is very pleased with the change from a purple cloak to an eye-catching red and black.  And he's got that very angry looking gun that Kel'thuzad drops on the ten man version too.  I'm very pleased with it.  

Dramthar's finally voyaging to get to 80 and is doing so at record speed (for me anyway), focussing on Icecrown as soon as he got to level 77 in order to get Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade rep.  I highly advise any rogue or feral kitteh druid to do the same as the chest piece and boots that can be obtained from those factions are incredibly good for those classes.  Along with the epic gear, the Ebon Blade has the key headgear enchant for all physical DPS, so you should build that reputation up as soon as possible if you're any physical DPS class.  Plus you can start the Argent Tournament at level 77, so that's just an added bonus for rep, leveling and decent gear to start off at 80.

Franny's been a little neglected as of late, but he's still kickin' around and a pretty decent 5 man heroic tank.  I'm rather happy with both his specs currently, though I think I might be able to pull off higher DPS if I went with a blood spec for DPS as well as for tanking...I'll play around with it sometime and figure it out.

I've picked up a couple heirloom shoulders for some of my alts with the intentions of eventually getting them up to 80, the next one in line is going to be Thamlack in an effort to aid Aestara get his tailoring up to snuff so he can help out my clothy friends and alts and stuff.

You know what I find weird?  Paladins that are tailors.  Now that just doesn't seem to make sense to me.  I mean, yeah, niffty flying mounts and good spellpower pant enchants that don't cost an arm and a leg,  but seriously?  Tailoring?  Blacksmithing just makes so much more sense.  You can give yourself 3 additional sockets along with crafting your own weapons, shields and plate armor, not to mention that tailoring is only useful for holy paladins.  If people refute that logic then they probably need to get something checked out.  Mind you, I'm not saying that they can't do it or shouldn't do it, it's their own choice and they should play the game as they see fit.  I'm just sayin' that blacksmithing is a logical choice is all.

Well, I think that's all I've got to say currently.  Oh, and I'll be back from time to time, hopefully more regularly, but we'll see how it goes.

To quote the immortal John Madden, "If you're gonna catch the ball, the quarterback has to throw it."*

Good Hunting,

*Not actually a John Madden quote, but I'm pretty sure it sounds like something he'd say.

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