Monday, May 18, 2009

I HAD a topic...I just forgot it.

It happens to everyone.  You come up with a great idea, plan a big long essay-ish post about it, but you forget to do anything with it.

It happens to me All.  The.  Time.  Just when I think I've got a fantastic, hilarious post ready too.  And only rarely do I actually remember them in the future.  It's hella annoying.

You're so excited about the topic, you have big plans, it's gonna be the breakthrough post, with this you'll make the big leagues!  Everything is going so smoothly, it just all seems to easy.   That's because it is.  You forget what you were going to talk about in the next hour and can't recall anything about it for the next few days.  Eventually you have a similar idea, but nothing really striking or thought provoking occurs to you like it did the first time.  You figure the idea is bunk, so you toss it in to the imaginary trash can of your mind, never to be looked at again.

Thus is the conundrum.  Great ideas that fall by the wayside, never to be heard from again.  Where do they go?  Are they just lost for an eternity, never to be spoken of again?  Or do they slip into a different stream of consciousness and get passed on to different people without either of the participants knowing that it happened?

Now I've got a question for you: Where the hell did that all come from?  I mean, I THOUGHT I was going to do a post about WoW or something, which, if you hadn't noticed, is the primary topic of this blog.  Guess I was wrong.


Dramthar, he's doing well.  He's averaging about 1900 DPS in 5 man heroic instances, out performing rogues of higher gear and entirely different spec.  I've stuck with my Combat Swords, I think I'm running a 15/51/5.  Most rogues now adays seem to be running a Mutilate spec of sorts.  That's fine and dandy, but it focuses on a whole lot of small damage followed by a really big crit.  That doesn't seem dependable to me.  Combat Swords doesn't have the really high crits, but what it lacks in that it more than makes up for by having a higher mid-ranged damage and the double-swing procs from both weapons.  Plus it's got Killing Spree and Adrenaline Rush.  Both of those are basically just win (though using them together is just a waste, I suggest using KS first, preferably when you've got 2-3 combo points as it lets you build up your energy to max them out and either Slice and Dice or Rupture).

Have you noticed how easily people tend to forget that a newly forged level 80 toon who has engineering has engineering?  There's most definitely been claims of "Dram could have used that helm...." With my immediate response of "Nu-uh, he's a geer," which is often followed by a moment of hesitation until they realize that "geer" is short for "engineer."

Ooooh, that reminds me, I need to make Tox more bullets.  Some of the best gosh-darned bullets out there, too.  Just need some more 'splody stuff to put in my saronite....I should go farm it or sommat.

Anyways, I think I'll go head out and work on a different something or whoosit, I dunno.

Good Hunting,

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