Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Possibilities are Endless

Endless I tell you! For we are the ones for whom the world turns. The Heavens shall tremble before us, the earth shall pave the path beneath our feet!

But alas, we seek to bring about change that will soon be forgotten, the world and all its denizens having us fade from memory before....Holy crap, that is a big loud bee that just flew into my window. I guess the rain that just started falling is getting the bumble bees to look for cover.

Anyways, I don't know where I was going with that prior rambling, or even why I was rambling about it. But for those of you who remember me, you'll probably remember my tangential thought processes.

And I may or may not be blogging due to some infamous hunter starting up his old blog again for the cataclysm alpha. That and I've got like half an hour to kill before I've gotta head out for work and figured I might as well dust off the old blog.

I commissions a picture of Tox avec Wrath from Fyreuni over at Daily Quests and it turned out really well. I really like her style, and she's all awesome and such, what with the being in Canada and all that jazz.

I'm still doing the officer thing over in Verve, and apparently I'm the guild techy, or at least that's what the other officers decided without me. And the crazy thing is that they actually want me to be, and ask me my opinion on stuff. Not just the technical stuff, but all sorts of other things too. It's like I'm actually useful or something, which is crazy, I know. Or that my opinion counts for something and has valid backing and sound logic behind them. Which clearly can't be the case, as I've somehow managed to push all of Canada into South Dakota using my boat, which I ran over Orphée (French Canadian guildy) with, while he was wearing his sea lion costume, after pouring hot coffee on him and his children (also in sea lion costumes), while sinisterly twisting my moustache (which I don't actually have), after a rousing bout of boomkin killing, which keeps me quite svelte.

If you don't get that last part, don't worry, neither do I. Q and Raz just keep adding on to this messed up story of theirs that is basically just a way to abuse me with illogic as a way of getting back at me for unintentionally abusing people with logic. I swear I don't mean to! It just happens, the logic is just sooooo ingrained into my system that I can't not use it. I regularly hear "Dagnabit Tox, quite with all the sense making and stuff." Seriously can't help it, logic abounds within this crazy mind of mine.

Vantox is a leet effin' hunter, Top of the guild, second most OP according to guild lore (next only to Iacobus, our guild's Chuck Norris), and currently looks rather awesome in his fully matching Ahn'kahar Blood Hunter gear.

Dramthar is becoming creepy as all get-out with the collection of his geist-looking apparel. Seriously, ew. Decent deeps though, granted, he is a rogue.

François is once again a viable tank, so much so that our best warrior tank said to me the other day in VoA "Holy crap, Tox puts out a lot of threat, I'm not accustomed to this." The key is to spam Icy Touch.

Adeata is my latest project, she's a treebear. More tree than bear, and I've been picking up tips on being a half decent healer from Bell of 4Haelz and the guild forest. Yeah, it's a forest, and I'm helping it grow.

Okay, so Verve, my guild, is what you'd call a casual raiding guild. RL comes first, and we don't have the expectations that hardcore guilds do, just if you sign up, show up, and know what your class and role is supposed to do. If you don't, we're pretty helpful and willing to show you the ropes. Anyways, my team (we've got 2, currently trying to get the tanks for a third) is currently 10/12 in 10 man ICC, and we're doing it together, which makes it far more enjoyable and rewarding than going into a guild that's already downed and being carried through the last boss fights. We're currently working on Sindragosa, and last night before I got on and the rogue had major internet problems my 10 man team got her down to 7%. We've just about got her, and I'm stoked to see her die and experience the Lich King. And we've done it all together, and we're all quite determined to get them down, and that's just another reason why I love my guild.

Well, that's enough out of me.


1 comment:

Carrie said...


WB to Blogging Land!

