Sunday, February 3, 2008

Definitely watching a movie right now.

And therefore: I'm just gonna ramble, and hope it has something to do with Hunterdom/ Rougehood.

So I'm wandering around Darnassus, randomly appearing behind low level priests attempting to frighten them as I have a habit of doing when disguised as a night elf rogue. I dunno, it's just something I do, get a laugh and potential lashing, but they can't do anything cause I just go and hide in the shadows again. Anyways, there I was stalking this level 12 priestess who's name escapes me presently, and it was all going over rather smoothly with the following and staying in the shadows preparing to startle her, when I notice her walking towards the edge of the world/Teldrassil in a VERY straight line. I mean, it was like she was totally B-lining it straight to death. Naturally I try to stop her and yell at her and whisper her as fast as I can possibly get it off, hell, I even de-stealthed and sprinted at her, but nothing worked. You know what that means right? Yessir, one very dead priestess and nothing I can do about it. So I mourn the death and plant flowers to honor her, followed by a quick jaunt to the high priestess to inform her that one of her students is dead. It was a sad day for the priesthood knowing that they lost one of their up and coming pupils in a world lacking in messengers of the light.

And now comes the time when I leave to stalk another priest, and hopefully prevent his or her death.

Good Hunting,

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