Monday, March 10, 2008

Just a little excited...

My first Kara run happens on Tuesday, and I'm kind of getting myself worked up...Hopefully we'll be able to take down a few bosses and net us a decent chunk of BoJs, which I'm gonna use to buy nethers to make me some new boots (I caved and bought a new pattern for far more than I had hoped, but far less than the average going price at the time(non-specificity, I love it)) They happen to be the biggest upgrade I can get currently, and are of Serpentshrine Cavern caliber, which makes having them when starting to regularly run Kara quite the advantage to me. Plus they look way cooler than my current gear, and aesthetics are a surprisingly large part of gear for me.

On a different note: I'm gonna be running with at least 2 other hunters who do the PvP thing and have the majority of the season 1 set, so it looks like any armor upgrades for hunters will be mine for the taking ;) Oooh, except for the fact that we're also running with an enhancement shammy, which could prove to be a form of competition for me, which is a good thing naturally, but if my shoulder armor drops I'm gonna kill someone if I don't get it...unless I get my gun in the same go, then whoever else wants the shoulders can have them. *crosses fingers for getting both* Oh, and by "kill someone" I clearly mean just go burn my anger on some poor unsuspecting elementals or the heroic daily (I need a lot of nethers currently).

Well, I don't feel like being funny currently, just not in that state of was annoying today. 'Nuff said.

Good Hunting,

1 comment:

Amythest said...

Good luck! Not that you'll need it ;)
I hope you get your gun!