Thursday, April 17, 2008

Killing time and whatnot.

I know, I know...I said I'd be gone for a while, but I'm killing time at until I have to go to a birthday party of sorts. Mmmm...Fondue....

Anyways, I've got fairly bad news that will be turned into new fantastic news due to my magnificent manipulation.

During my two week duration of being WoW-handicapped, all hell broke loose in Killing Frenzy. The majority of my friends and accomplices are out and I'm left in the dark, out of the loop. They're all in new guilds and everything, something to do with drama and lack of raiding schedules.

This can only mean one thing: The Toxnation must now be created!

I plan on making a guild, called "The Toxnation" mostly composed of people I or my roommates know IRL (including my roommates). If I can manage to steal a couple of my WoW-friend's alts it'll be even better. I really enjoy helping people, so that's what it's gonna be all about. Helping people I know. No randoms, no one under 16 who can't spell or use proper grammar. Just people I know and trust. I may make some exceptions for anyone who reads my blog and just wants to hang out on a random toon on Bladefist ;)

AKA: I'm welcoming anyone who reads my blog to make a toon on Bladefist and join the soon-to-be Toxnation.

Plans of Global Domination will follow shortly after the creation of The Toxnation, feel free to help with those too.

Good Hunting,

1 comment:

Amythest said...

Oooh, how exciting. I know you'll be a great guild master, and I think it's cool you extended the invitation to your blog readers; I'd take you up on that.