Monday, April 28, 2008

Progress Report (or lack thereof)

5 sigs currently, 2 more confirmed (but they're busy with other stuff), and I've still got more friends I'm pretty sure I can convince to sign, especially since I'm only requesting alt signatures and I'm a loveable little scamp :P

In other news: I've been pumping my lock full of 'roids and he's now at level 37 and working on his tailoring and enchanting. He's still doing stuff that's far out his league, but hey, it's just giving him more enchanting mats for that side of things.

Dramthar's officially ravaged Nagrand of all the level 65 solo quests, so he's gonna have to find a group to do the rest of them with...or just go and attempt to ding in the bone wastes where he's still got some quests to finish.

None of my other alts are going anywhere for now, though I plan on eventually having them all at a decent level to help out The Toxnation in its pursuit of helpfulness and/or hanging out-itude.

Good Hunting,

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