Monday, June 2, 2008

From the Depths of the Nether...

comes the Twisted Nether Blogcast, which I'm very very late in posting about. It's probably a bad thing to be slow off the draw as a BM hunter where I'm trying to be quick. But this post isn't about me, it's about them.

This blogcast is the first one I've subscribed to in a long time, and I'm very certain it's worth it. Fimlys of Asleep at the WoW fame and Breana of Gun Loving Dwarf Chick fortune have joined forces and are conquering the blogosphere with the all-mighty power of their blogcast. It's great fun, I was informed of it via Twitter and its participants, and they've even given me useful information that I had no intention of looking up. Kudos team, good show.

I'll claim to be a supporter of them, though nothing is official yet, I just enjoy it and have it on my iTunes podcast thing. It's rolling along quite smoothly, and I plan on sustaining the listening.

Good Hunting,

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