As the title may give away, I've been working on a druid. She's level 26 currently, double gatherer (herbs and skinning), and I've found I've been enjoying it quite a bit.
levels 1-9 were bad news. Levels 10-19 weren't as bad, but still not great. Levels 20-26 have been fantastic. Kitty form (never in my life will I refer to it by its real name) and rogues are, as most people probably would know due to their use of energy, very similar. As such, it's a fairly easy transition to go from being a rogue to being a kitty.
Now a quick rundown of what the kitty equivalents are in the way of skills.
All rogues can stealth. All kitties can prowl. Same shtick different pile.
Rogues get Sinister Strike. Kitties get Claw. Not sure how it works with kitties, but SS is a main source of damage with my rogue, I'd guess claw is the same for teh kittehs.
Shred, for all intensive purposes, is a kitty version of Ambush, which, with the right dagger, is a highly appreciated skill and causes severe damage to its recipient. Shred's got lower damage percentage increase, but a higher amount of raw additional damage.
Rip = Rupture (not quite, Rupture's got better low-end, Rip's got far superior high end). Similar name even. Bleed effect DoT, it's pretty useful more for mobs that run than anything that I can think of...I just haven't used Rupture in a Raid situation but there's probably some people who do.
Pounce and Cheap Shot, what's not to like about them (if you're not on the receiving end anyway)? Sure pounce does a bunch of damage, but cheap shot lasts longer and gives and additional combo point. I'd call them pretty evenly matched in usefulness.
I don't think that Rake has a rogue equivalent...except possibly Garrote. They're pretty different though, especially since Garrote needs stealth and the target's back to work and Rake would probably be used frequently during combat.
Considering that my little kitty's only level 26, I don't have any further break downs for this topic. But I will. In due time....(being a double gatherer, I'm going to need her down the line, plus she's fun :P).
Good Hunting,
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