Vantox, Hunter of Dragons.
Even the Ogres agree with that sentiment.
No word of a lie, that partial screenie to the left happened the other day. And I basically just kinda went slack-jawed.
Ogri'la, I hadn't been there in months but them Ogres aren't ones to forget easily (probably due to the Apexis crystals and all that jazz). They remember how I've slain all the big bad dragons up there multiple times. They know I've gotten many a Deathwing Brood Cloak (my personal favorite being the first one I acquired with the "...of the Bandit" tag) in my time by weaving together the different black dragon scales of those that I had slain. They Remember. They still honor me.
On another note: Dramthar's just about to get his epic flying mount, but should I really? I've been debating this rather heavily within my mind. Sure he'd get around faster, and dailies would be quicker on him, but I don't really need them aside from the Skyguard ones...and potentially the Ogri'la ones once I unlock them. He could also gather primal air, water, shadow and mana like a good engineer with one 'o them fancy fast mounts, and frankly I could really use that as a master craftsman...but if I get Adeata up to 70 fast enough (NOT GONNA HAPPEN) then she would be able to use the epic flying to a far greater potential...
Buuuuutttt, seeing as how she's not gonna hit the level cap until WoTLK hits, it's probably a better idea to get Dram the epic flying mount first. I'll probably love it and all that, and make him the turbo roflcopter at one point or another just because of the engieering pride that goes along with it.
BIG NEWS! Guess what I pre-ordered the other day? That's right, WoTLK, Collector's edition. Things I'm most stoked for in said collector's edition? 208 page art book, Frosty, and potentially the TGC cards (more to sell if I get a good one in it than anything). Does it really matter if you get the collector's editon? Probably not. But hey, I've said from the day they announced WoTLK that I wanted the collector's edition, and therefore I'm getting it. Score one for the Tox Meister.
This also means I've gotta figure out what I'm going to do with one of my toons in order to make room for Francois...Hrrm...
Other big news! At some point, preferably pre-WotLK, I'm most definitely going to upgrade from this laptop to a new iMac. Reasons? I've wanted a mac for a while, I just haven't had the means of justifying buying one (or the funds for that matter, but I won't go into that). Plus desktops just in general have better hardware to do junk with. Better video card, better sound, a real mouse (not a tracking pad/whatever the crap you call the things on laptops), it has a remote, I won't be ragged on to borrow my laptop all the times long, no random "I've gotta shut down for no good reason" things, and just all around a good system and customer service, along with other stuff that's not WoW related.
And naturally, the WoW related stuff that isn't at all influencing me wanting to get a new computer...*shifty eyes*...include such things as "being able to jump-shot, FINALLY", higher frame rate, better processing speed, more RAM, less effing LAG (I hope), potential recordings in the works....*more shifty eyes*...ya...that stuff...
Tox has been going like a madman at his dailies recently, doing about 20 a day, the general cycle starts in the Isle of Quel'danas and ends there, with stops in Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, Hellfire Penninsula, and Shadowmoon Valley along the way. It's a nice kinda circle-y route he takes, and is surprisingly efficient.
Adeata's still awesome, just kinda on the back burner since I got the will to do Dailies again. I'll get her maxed yet one day...
Marcy REALLY needs to stop being so nice. Seriously, if you (those few who read this, which is probably Marcy and Aestara anyway...and quite possibly Asara [Who, by the by, is pretty much just axesome-sauce {yes I know I spelt it with an "x"}]) see/could possibly say something to her about it, I'm trying to tell her at least once a day that she needs to stop being so helpful. She's burning out and we don't want that.
I don't like to see people burn out, I've seen enough of it happen as is...like my old crew in the starting days...level 13 is when they found me, and I quickly rose through the ranks to become both an officer and one of the fastest leveling people they had seen..../sigh...those were the days...
Different note: I've got crazy plans involving Me, tank pet, and Marcy in druid form attempting to duo the level 70 heroics once we're level 80....and that's just one of the crazy, crazy things I plan on doing to test my ability as a tanking hunter....there will be a lot more to come. I like to test my skills, and test them HARD.
And with that I bid thee fare well.
Good Hunting,
P.S. Happy 100th post to me? Sure, why not.
Congratulations on the hundred posts!
And I love the interaction that you get at some of the places in World of Warcraft when you have gained notable reputation with them. My perky priestess in particular adores the ogres up in Blade's Edge and it's not unlikely for her to hug one, wave in reply, or blush when they start extolling her virtues and claims to fame.
Axesome, eh? :) I like it. I do like it indeed. And I apologize if you've stopped by Malfurion to visit me.. I'm doing a reverse Ratshag and playing my evil twin over on The Scryers. Partly because hubby's mom plays there, so we have instant 4-man quest destroyage, and partly because a particularly annoying coworker transferred his 70 hunter over to Malfurion, and I don't like getting whispers when he's in a Gruul's pug about whether or not he should roll on the Hammer of the Naaru. The boy never reads item drops. He sees purple and goes OOOO I need that!!!!!! sigh.
So anyway, I will try to hop over to Bladefist again one of these days and find you, mkay? :)
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