Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Adventures of a Toolock: The Dreaded Quest - part 2

Hey y'all, it's me again, Thamlack.  Figured I should probably finish tellin' the story I started.

Alright, so a few weeks later after the ex-scourge-ion we had over in Scholomance, I found myself en route to Feralas.  Marcy tagged along and we decided to take out some Dire Maul, just for kicks and giggles.  From what Tox has told me, she apparently really enjoys the ancient elven ruins or somemat like that, so she was all down for it.  

We head in to the western wing, the one with that prince guy and the big 'ole demon that he's got stored in there.  Now, as a warlock, I appreciate a good demon imprisonment when I see one.  And this one was Fan-freakin'-tastic.  Giant chamber with a torrent of magic swirling around it to keep him contained, powered by arcane anomalies channeling energy into five giant crystalline structures, that's one of the better demon imprisonments I've ever seen.  Now if only they could have placed the power generators in different places across the globe, THAT would have taken a lot of effort to destroy.

This one, on the other hand, didn't.  Marcy and I got into a groove and just demolished the anomalies 1-2 at a time, we only once ever had 3 of them attack us and that was the first try when we didn't want to clear out all the stupid little fake-druids that were nearly surrounding them.  

It all went surprisingly smoothly, no deaths on either of our parts, and I remembered to use banish on them, which totally helped.  All you up and coming warlocks remember: Banish works on Elementals too.  Definitely something I failed to remember until I re-read my warlock spell book.

So with all the power cores down, we went to take out the big 'ole imprisoned demon himself.  And that's exactly what we did.  Dead as a doornail, that Immol'thar thing was.  Congratulations to Marcy for a job well done (As a level 62 warlock, I'm pretty sure I barely did anything).

Now, this is the part where things got tricky.  We started the ritual.  Bad news bears.  Death was all upons.  We tried again, same deal.  We recruited another warlock and a rogue and even though we all died (except the rogue, danged vanishing sonuva...) we managed to complete the summoning circle!  Excitement abounded, now all that was left was to kill the boss and I'd have me a big spikey flaming horsie!

Yeah, with the recruits still kicking around it was a breeze, downed in no time.  Piece of cake, and the dreaded quest was complete.  Nothin' more to it, many thanks went around then we all just booked it out of there.  Now I can ride around in style, even if my clothes still look incredibly stupid...I hate quest rewards...

Cheers, you won't hear from me for a while.... I've been re-demoted to "disenchanter"... I'm not excited about it.


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