Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Can't Believe it.

A) I hate it when I accidentally hit enter after deciding on my title.

 'nuff said.

Only there ISN'T enough said!  I HAVE A FRACKIN' SPIRIT BEAST!  He needs a name!  Any ideas?  I'd like to stick with the current "emotions" theme, but then again He's already got one, so I may have to use that...I just can't decide, I'm too excited.

Added bonus: I now have motivation to play on Tox again.  Leveling up a spirit beast is serious business.

Good Hunting,

[Edit]  I now totally understand the shaking and adrenaline rush that comes with the experience.  It is amazing.


Anonymous said...

Grats on the spirit beast! Ever pick out a name for him?

Carrie said...

Super congrats!!
(I know you told me about this last night, but I had to say it here officially)

Perhaps, name him Adrenaline? Or maybe Elation... I have no idea what I would name one either if I ever happened to get it.

Tox said...

Thanks ye kindly for the grations. And no, I still haven't come up with a name yet...I'm working on it, hopefully It'll come to me today.

Good Hunting.