Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ah, good old patch days...

First and foremost: I most certainly was not online when I was promoted, I didn't find out until an hour later that Q had only *thought* I logged out when I hadn't even been logged in, when it was really someone else entirely that has a similar name to my Dramthar.

I foresee a lot of druid playing in my future, and all my alts getting mounts, which could very well convince me to play them as well. But Adeata will be mature enough for the 100% mount and I really want to get her inscriptions up, added bonus of the new kitteh an bear forms to boot. Thamlack will be getting what I like to call "cheap flying" and has already made a rug for himself to fly on, he's moderately excited. Oh, he also looks significantly less like a tool, 'cause he hit northrend...pretty much strictly for the professions.

Tox'll be working on the dailies at the Tourney for a while, he's gonna try and get a new and improved hippogryph, the Silver Covenant one. It's pretty posh, brilliant colors, and just all around great looking. Not to mention a bunch of other stuff that'll be niffty and handy.

Now I'm mostly just killing time, as we all know, the servers are down for a good long time, and Bladefist was down for longer than a lot of the other ones due to hardware maintenance (started ~3 hours earlier). But once things start rollin', Verve'll be taking a swing at the new 10 man and I'll be a part of it. Fun times ahead, I've heard rumor of a jousting fight, and I'm a brilliant jouster apparently, from what I've heard about the struggles other people have with the jousting dailies.

There will be many a heroic run in my future, I wants me some nice gear, so gash dernit, Ima get me nice gear. Plus everyone else will want to run 'em too, so I'll bring along some friends, hopefully Vanq (who hasn't been mentioned in quite a while, but a good friend who is now in Verve and enjoying it), 'cause I promised him that I'd take him in with me if I were to run an instance and he was online.

I think that's about it, I'll go do something for about half an hour and check back to see if the servers are up.

Good Hunting,

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