Monday, September 27, 2010

Schoooool. It deters my WoW.

Scholastic pursuits, they're good, I likes them. And so far so good, Calculus is slowly coming back to me, Chem and Physics seem easy enough for the time being, Spanish and Psyche seem to be rather cake-walkish.

As such, I have a lot of homework. And a lot of "Oh crap, I forgot how to do " Which is kinda annoying, and like as soon as I re-learn the material it's easy enough.

Anyways, as for playing me some World of Warcraft, well, that doesn't like to happen. I've gotten on a couple times and shown my face to the people that apparently miss me. But as far as getting anything done, that much eludes me (in game anyway). No MC runs, which means no Thunderfury (yet, I'll get you dagnabit.), no nothing, not even brewfest which is, as a dwarf, the most festive time in WoW for me. Granted, I got all that done last year with Tox, so I don`t really care but I wouldn't complain about getting a shiny mount.

But yeah, no raids, no Shadow's Edge, no Epeening, no manipulating the AH in my favor, none of that. ./sad.

At least I'm showing commitment to my school. That's definitely a good thing.

Random note: I've dabbled on the PTR a bit, and Focus instead of mana really throws me off my game currently. Plus they got rid of like all the CDs that used to determine my shot "rotation" (again, I prefer priority...currently) in at least my Beast Master spec. Haven't really checked out the SV stuff. But ALL OF THAT PALES IN COMPARISON!

Twenty. Five. Stable. Slots.

The possibilities, Imagine them. Keep imagining....keep going......aaaaaaand.....Stop! Did you see it? Did you see all the potential?! SO MUCH! Seriously. I'm gonna have sooooo many pets. No longer will I be limited to just 5, none of which are replaceable. (Devilsaur, Spirit Beast, Wolf, Hydra (unobtainable), and a Rare Bird (parrot)). With 20 additional slots, I can actually get a bear! Though I think they got rid of swipe, which saddens me. They gave it a demo shout though, which may work, but I think I'd prefer the swipe for my soloing efforts. And I'll get Strife back! You know, the rarely seen but gorgeous black wind serpent that I got out of ZG at 70? Yeah, that one, He's gonna make a comeback.

Oh, and they got rid of Volley, but we get Trap Launcher + Explosive Trap to make up for it? Yeah, sure, I'll go with that. Sounds like fun.

I'm gonna miss being the only really physical DPS that needs Intellect (Melee shammys rely heavily on elemental attacks more than their physical damage, I don't consider them truly "physical"), making Hunters the smartest of the physical damage dealers. If I were an RPer I may have qualm with that. But I'm not, so it just kinda saddens me.

But yeah, overall I think Focus is an improvement, if only to my ability to solo stuff. No more annoying mana-burning bosses to kill me that way. I'm lookin' at YOU Baron Geddon. I will solo you yet. *shakes fist*

Alright, rambling done, I may test some more stuff on the PTR, but school will probably pop up before then.

Cheers Folks,

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