So off I go, my first time into slave pens. Yup, I'm doing it again, first time in an instance and it's heroic. They said it was easy so I'm not too worried, the guy knows what I'm capable of. Here's the catch: When I show up from the summoning, we've only got 4 people. We were missing a DPS/cc class. They're generally a dime a dozen, so I figured we'd just snag one from one of their guilds.
That never happened. We decided to 4 man it. Sure we had a good tank and a crazy healer, but still. 4 man heroic? and one of them is level 68? This is gonna be fun. Into the instance we trek, first few pulls go over like nobody's business. Hell, everything went smoothly for the majority of the instance. There was one time where me and the other hunter (the level 68 guy) missed the jump on the short cut (which I didn't know about) and they decided to go the "long way" of killing the 5 mobs we would have skipped otherwise, but that was it as far as not good things happening.
We downed the first two bosses rather easily with just the four of us, but that second boss apparently just really didn't like me as I somehow managed to make my auto-shot/misdirect/feed pet not work anymore at the very start of the fight. And I was the main DPS. Great...that's fan-freakin'-tastic. So I only used steady shot for the whole fight. That put a massive dent in my DPS and damage output, not to mention a major time set back for the group. Apparently when they've got a full group going in there he's down in no time flat. Yup, major setback with that glitch.
After the fight I restart WoW (even though I couldn't use the log out function or the "escape" menu) and get back into things. This time I screw up even harder. I was supposed to chain trap one of the coilfang rays. That didn't happen, I broke my own trap on the very first one. I was dead so fast the other guys didn't know what hit me. EPIC FAIL.
So with the remarkably fast epic on my end, they've got 6 elite mobs on the loose and the other hunter's traps are frequently resisted. Somehow they manage to pull it off. No one has any idea as to how they did it, but they did and no one else died because of my stupidity.
Next pull, 2 casters, 2 champions. Champions fear. Tanks don't like fear. I'm supposed to trap one of the casters. I HATE trapping casters. I mean, if they're not the kind that don't have any attacking spells anyways. I can deal with the ones that just heal or whatever, but attacking casters just annoy the crap out of me when trapping. Especially when I don't have either A) a lot of space or B) something to hide behind. Such was the case here. It resulted in a wipe and then calling it. I didn't do the calling of "it," and chances are that I could have performed better the second time, but whatever, we one-shotted two heroic bosses with four peeps, one of which was level 68. Frankly I think we done good. Cheers to us!
Alright, that's it, I'm gonna call it a night.
Good Hunting,
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