Saturday, May 3, 2008

An introduction.



My names are many; Marvel Girl to a few, Aestara, Star, or Aes to the rest, but whatever you want to call me works. I’m a hyper and excitable little thing, currently a level 36 priest(ess), ‘up-and-coming’ as Vantox calls me, and loving it. I’m paving my way, crashing through Stranglethorn Vale in mastery after mastery quest and throwing heals left, right and center.

So, a bit about me. I’m a holy spec priest, and with that title come a lot of stereotypes. First of all, the positive connotations- it seems that people expect us healers to be laid back, lawful-good Samaritans with hearts of gold. Not saying that isn’t true, but it can be a tad bit difficult to keep up that image when you’re getting stomped on by ogres (erm, good Glordak… down boy) and all you really want is to curse and rage. On the flip side, I find we’re often treated like nothing more than walking mana pools who don’t deserve a say in party matters. Ah well, people learn quickly when they’re not on the receiving end of any heal spells ;3

Also, I’m a night elf, and no, I don’t dance anywhere near mailboxes. Though my people have been prone to prejudice, I’d say I have a pretty racially diverse group of friends and, though I do love a good game of ‘jump over the gnome’, I value respect and give it in hopes of getting it back. Maybe it’s racial bias, but Teldrassil is one of my favorite places in Azeroth, and I adore visiting the Temple of the Moon, so whenever I can I do. It’s totally rad.

So, while I may not be able to match the poetry and prose presented by our friend Glordak here, I hope to share some stories and experiences with you guys, and I’m so super stoked on the opportunity.



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