Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Felguard: I wants one.

So yesterday was a "GOTTA GET MY LOCK UP A BUNCH MORE LEVELS BEFORE MY NETHERWEAVE IN THE MAIL IS SENT BACK!" day. He did fine, he's at level 48 about 50% in, and that means only 1.5 levels until he gets his mastery of Tailoring and Enchanting. And you know what? I'm sick of my voidwalker. Sure he holds aggro well, and he's served me well over the past 38 levels, but I want a felguard.

Them felguards ain't just deep blue blobs that do my bidding, they're tall and angry lookin' and always have something hilarious to say. Apparently they're the shiznit for soloing, which is kinda my specialty, so that's even better news. Plus they do way more damage than the voids and have much cooler abilities. He's gonna be my new tank when I hit 50, I don't doubt that for a second. Plus I'll probably have more inspiration to get into the 60s with him, that blueberry depresses me sometimes with all his whining.

Also: I'm now doing this "Plurk"* thing that seems to be the latest crazy in the blogosphere. There's a bunch of us from twitter in there, it's going rather swimmingly. Now we just need something to inform us while offline....

Well, I'm feeling overly nauseous, so I'm gonna go sleep.

Good Hunting,

*Note: Signing up to Plurk via that link will auto-friend us, just letting you know.

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